Milan Đorđević
CTO at Shindiri Studio, WordPress enthusiast, educator and project manager, with neverending energy to contribute to the community! Co-founder of WordPress Nis Community. Co-Orgnizer of WCEU 2018 and Volunteers Team Member for #WCEU 2019 in Berlin.
Niš / @redcellapps /
Aleksandar Predić
PHP/ Web / WordPress Developer at Shindiri Studio company. Co-founder of Nis WordPress community #WPNis as part of #WPSerbia community, #WCEU organizing team. In spare time he loves spending time with family, dachshund included, or watch Sci-Fi movies again and again.
Niš / @apredic /
Miloš Ristić
Web Developer with many interests, but mostly with WordPress and Javascript. Currently working as front-end developer and also is active member of WPNis organization for two years.
Niš / @RistaSB /
Nikola Ranđelović
Developer at Better Collective and active member of Nis WordPress community.
Niš / @ranikola /
Miroslav Manović
Web Developer Coordinator at Better Collective d.o.o. Skilled in modern JavaScript, PHP and WordPress development. Strong engineering professional with a Master’s degree focused in Information Technology from Faculty of Electrical Engineering Nish. Team member of WPNis for two years.
Negotin / @misko1215
Milana Cap
Single mom. Former opera prompter, now WordPress/PHP developer at Toptal. Lives in WordPress #docs slack channel, dies for dark chocolate. And bacon.
Novi Sad / @DjevaLoperka /
Nemanja Ignjatović
CTO at IT Centar, hardworking IT enthusiast, WordPress, FrontEnd developer, UX/UI designer, educator and project manager, with expirience in making cutting edge solutions for IT with latest trends.
Niš / @nexterix /
Dragan Milićević
Co-founder and CTO of Dewploy Sourcing, back-end developer and software architect, co-organizer of Niš WordPress community – #WPNis. In spare time he is engaged in automation and system control and brainstorm a lot about how to use and involve WordPress in this sphere.
Leskovac / @gagimilicevic /
Žarko Jović
As a CEO of, he helps creative agencies to deliver cutting edge WordPress solutions with focus on user experience and help them understand the latest trends in the industry.
Leskovac / @joviczarko /
Maja Stanimirović
Natalija Pejčev
Serbian language student interested in everything else. In a mission to collect every possible skill, like pokemon. In love with mountains.
Niš / @tireksica