Taksi – korisne informacije

Iako je treći po veličini grad u Srbiji, Niš je veoma lak za snalaženje.

Ukoliko volite da šetate, ovo je grad za vas – do svakog mesta ćete lako doći pešaka. Gradskim prevozom možete brže stići od tačke A do tačke B, a kao pomoć preporučujemo Google tranzit.

Alternativa javnom prevozu je taksi koji je vrlo pristupačan. Cene se mogu razlikovati u zavisnosti od prevoznika, dužine vožnje, kao i doba dana. Međutim, razlika nije značajna jer vožnja od mesta održavanja kampa do bilo kojeg drugog u gradu neće trajati više od 15 minuta.

Evo liste dostupnih taksi prevoznika i njihovih kontakata:

Taksi koji možete pozvati besplatno

City Taxi

0800 0000 22

Boom Taxi

0800 00 9715

Vip Taxi

0800 018 800

Prvi Taxi

0800 001 018

Taksi sa bežičnim internetom

Eko Taxi

☎️ +381 18 309 700
Viber: 📱 +381 65 330 900

Bros Taxi

☎️ +381 18 41 555 41
Poziv ili SMS: 📱 +381 66 555 41 (mt:s) 📱 +381 69 41 555 41 (Telenor) 📱 +381 61 41 555 41 (VIP)

Lux Taxi

☎️ +381 18 599 599
📱 +381 65 3 599 700 (mt:s) 📱 +381 69 3 599 700 (Telenor) 📱 +381 60 3 599 700 (VIP)

TDI Taxi

☎️ +381 18 415 0 900, +381 18 415 0 915
📱 +381 65 415 0 900 (mt:s) 📱 +381 60 415 0 900 (VIP)
Viber: 📱 +381 69 415 0 900 (Telenor)

Check English version

Useful taxi info

Although the third largest city in Serbia, Niš is very easy to navigate.

If you like long walks by the river, then Niš is the place to be. But if you prefer a faster way to get from point A to point B, you might want to take a bus or a taxi.

When it comes to buses, we recommend you to use Google Transit.

The alternative to public transport is taxi, and it is very affordable. Prices may vary slightly depending on the carrier, the length of the ride of course, and also the time of the day. However, the difference is not significant since driving from the venue to any other place in the city will not last more than 15-20 minutes.

Here is the list of available taxi companies and their contacts:

Free call Taxi

City Taxi

0800 0000 22

Boom Taxi

0800 00 9715

Vip Taxi

0800 018 800

Prvi Taxi

0800 001 018

Taxi with WiFi internet access

Eko Taxi

☎️ +381 18 309 700
📱 +381 65 330 900 (Viber)

Bros Taxi

☎️ +381 18 41 555 41
📱 +381 61 41 555 41, +381 66 555 41, +381 69 41 555 41 (call or SMS)

Lux Taxi

☎️ +381 18 599 599
📱 +381 65 3 599 700, +381 69 3 599 700, +381 60 3 599 700

TDI Taxi

☎️ +381 415 0 900, +381 18 415 0 915
📱 +381 65 915 0 900, +381 60 415 0 900
📱 +381 69 415 0 900 (Viber)

Pogledaj srpsku verziju

Peta grupa predavača

Svi smo čuli šta je Cloud. Neki su čuli i šta je AWS! Da bismo razbistrili ovo – Darko i Branislav će pričati šta su zapravo Cloud i AWS, šta to tačno znači za vas, i kako da budete uspešniji sa istim.

Šta su zapravo Cloud i AWS, šta to tačno znači za vas i kako dizajnirati globalnu Vordpres infrastrukturu na AWS-u

Godina je 2019, sve što radimo treba da radimo na globalnoj skali, a da u isto vreme imamo punu kontrolu naše infrastrukture.

Kako dizajnirati globalnu Vordpres infrastrukturu na AWS-u po iskustvu naših klijenata?
Kako biti bezbedan, a kretati se brzo u isto vreme?

Cilj ovog predavanja je upoznavanje šireg kruga korisnika i developera Vordpresa sa mogućnostima koje AWS nudi svim svojim korisnicima. Pričaćemo o brzini i sigurnosti Vordpres bloga, besplatnim servisima koje svi mogu da koriste u okvirima “free-tier” paketa u toku prve godine od kreiranja naloga na AWS-u i mnogim drugim aspektima.

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Fifth batch of speakers

We all heard what Cloud is. Some people heard about AWS! To clarify this – Darko, and Branislav will talk about what are Cloud and AWS, what exactly does it mean for you, and how to be more successful with the same.

What are Cloud and AWS, what exactly does it mean for you, and how to architect the global WordPress infrastructure on AWS

In present times, all the work should be done at a global scale, but at the same time control over our infrastructure should be preserved. How to construct the global WordPress infrastructure on AWS having the experience of our clients in mind? How to preserve the safety and move fast at the same time?

The aim of this lecture is to introduce a wider circle of users and developers of WordPress with the possibilities that AWS offers to all its users. We will talk about the speed and security of the WordPress blog, free services that everyone can use within the free-tier package during the first year of creating an account on AWS and many other aspects.

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Fourth batch of speakers

Bojan Krstić

WordPress: bojank83
Twitter: @bojank83

Who am I, what do I know, and where am I going? I created my first tabular HTML site in 2003, and encoded my first CSS & HTML site. I even made a Flash site in 2007. In 2011, I set up my first WordPress site, and then my first internet store in WooCommerce.

I use most of Google’s services, but I’m particularly proud of installing the first Google Analytics code back in 2008, and only a year later I created my first Google AdWords campaign. In 2010, I created my first Facebook page and Facebook advertising.

I’ve been self-taught my whole life and I’ve mastered all of the above, first and foremost due to my desire, persistence, hard work, and dedication. However, despite my knowledge and 15 years of experience, I enrolled in the Faculty of Management, Business and Marketing. I started working on my own as a freelancer in 2012, and in 2015 I opened the Bit Media Digital Advertising company in which we first worked part-time, but since 2017 we’ve switched to full time. The company is professionally engaged in the creation of WordPress sites and stores, digital marketing, FB & IG Ads, Google Ads and SEO.

What follows after creating the Woocommerce site

When an online store is completed, the job is not over yet – it has just begun!

In addition to the explanation of what follows after the launch of the store, I will also be telling stories about important elements of ecommerce sites UX, Content, Legal, SEO and Digital Marketing. I will focus and this lecture on business, marketing, ecommerce, and SEO, not the actual development of the store.

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Četvrta grupa predavača

Bojan Krstić

WordPress: bojank83
Twitter: @bojank83

Ko sam, šta znam i gde idem. Prvi tabelarni HTML sajt sam kreirao 2003. godine, naredne sam kodirao prvi CSS & HTML sajt. Čak sam 2007. napravio i Flash sajt. U 2011. sam postavio prvi Vordpres sajt, a potom i prvu internet prodavnicu u WooCommerce-u.

Koristim većinu Google servisa, ali posebno sam ponosan jer sam davne 2008. godine instalirao prvi Google Analytics kod, a samo godinu dana kasnije kreirao prvu Google AdWords kampanju. U 2010. sam kreirao prvu Facebook stranicu, a Facebook oglašavanje počeo nažalost tek dve godine kasnije.

Celog života sam bio samouk i sve gore navedeno sam savladao prevashodno željom, upornošću, trudom, zalaganjem i radom. Međutim, i pored znanja i 15-godišnjeg iskustva sam upisao Fakultet za menadžment, smer Biznis i marketing. Sopstvenim biznisom sam počeo da se bavim 2012. godine kao frilenser, a 2015. godine sam sa otvorio firmu Bit Media Digital Advertising doo u kojoj smo radili part-time i od 2017. godine full time. Firma se profesionalno bavi izradom WP sajtova i prodavnica, digitalni marketing, FB & IG Ads, Google Ads i SEO.

Šta sledi nakon izrade WooCommerce sajta

Kada se završi internet prodavnica, posao nije završen nego je tek počeo.

Pored objašnjenja šta sledi nakon lansiranja prodavnice, biće i priče o važnim elementima ecommerce sajtova UX, Content, Legal, Seo i Digitalni marketing. Pravac će biti biznis, marketing, ecommerce i seo, a ne developerski deo.

Continue reading “Četvrta grupa predavača”

Third batch of speakers

Nemanja Aleksić

WordPress: GoDaddy
Twitter: @kouteki_

Born in the age of ZX Spectrum. Grew up with Commodore 128 and 486 PC. Swore he would never engage in technical support, marketing, or public speaking.

Today, he works as Product Marketing Manager in GoDaddy, holds speeches and is much more cautious with what he swears by.

Survival Guide for Introverts

We live in a world of loud, charismatic people, where the introvert is seen as a disaster. But does it really have to be that way? We will talk about what it means to be an introvert and how to use introversion to be more productive and happier.

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Treća grupa predavača

Nemanja Aleksić

WordPress: GoDaddy
Twitter: @kouteki_

Rođen u doba ZX Spectruma. Odrastao uz Commodore 128 i 486 PC. Zakleo se da se nikad neće baviti tehničkom podrškom, marketingom i javnim govorništvom.

Danas radi kao Product Marketing Manager u GoDaddy-u, drži govore i mnogo je oprezniji sa zakletvama.

Priručnik za preživljavanje za introverte

Živimo u svetu glasnih, harizmatičnih ljudi, gde se na introvertnost gleda kao na manu. Ali da li zaista mora biti tako? Razgovaraćemo o tome šta znači biti introvert i kako da iskoristimo introvertnost da budemo produktivniji i srećniji.

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