We all heard what Cloud is. Some people heard about AWS! To clarify this – Darko, and Branislav will talk about what are Cloud and AWS, what exactly does it mean for you, and how to be more successful with the same.
What are Cloud and AWS, what exactly does it mean for you, and how to architect the global WordPress infrastructure on AWS
In present times, all the work should be done at a global scale, but at the same time control over our infrastructure should be preserved. How to construct the global WordPress infrastructure on AWS having the experience of our clients in mind? How to preserve the safety and move fast at the same time?
The aim of this lecture is to introduce a wider circle of users and developers of WordPress with the possibilities that AWS offers to all its users. We will talk about the speed and security of the WordPress blog, free services that everyone can use within the free-tier package during the first year of creating an account on AWS and many other aspects.
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