Useful taxi info

Although the third largest city in Serbia, Niš is very easy to navigate.

If you like long walks by the river, then Niš is the place to be. But if you prefer a faster way to get from point A to point B, you might want to take a bus or a taxi.

When it comes to buses, we recommend you to use Google Transit.

The alternative to public transport is taxi, and it is very affordable. Prices may vary slightly depending on the carrier, the length of the ride of course, and also the time of the day. However, the difference is not significant since driving from the venue to any other place in the city will not last more than 15-20 minutes.

Here is the list of available taxi companies and their contacts:

Free call Taxi

City Taxi

0800 0000 22

Boom Taxi

0800 00 9715

Vip Taxi

0800 018 800

Prvi Taxi

0800 001 018

Taxi with WiFi internet access

Eko Taxi

☎️ +381 18 309 700
📱 +381 65 330 900 (Viber)

Bros Taxi

☎️ +381 18 41 555 41
📱 +381 61 41 555 41, +381 66 555 41, +381 69 41 555 41 (call or SMS)

Lux Taxi

☎️ +381 18 599 599
📱 +381 65 3 599 700, +381 69 3 599 700, +381 60 3 599 700

TDI Taxi

☎️ +381 415 0 900, +381 18 415 0 915
📱 +381 65 915 0 900, +381 60 415 0 900
📱 +381 69 415 0 900 (Viber)

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